
2024-05-08 12:33

1. 顾文涛的研究方向



2. 顾文涛的介绍


3. 顾涛的科学研究论文:

[1] 顾涛,李旭.基于神经网络的灰度级数字水印嵌入技术,计算机工程与设计,2005.8[2] 顾涛.全光网络核心器件最新进展,光通信技术,2002.5[3] GUTao,LIXu.Dynamic digital watermark technique based on neural network, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6979, 69790I (2008); DOI:10.1117/12.783953 (EI)[4] GUTao, LIXu.New Equipment of Distinguishing Rock from Coal Based on Statistical Analysis of Fast Fourier Transform, Proc. GCIS of IEEE(2009);(EI)[5] LIXu,GUTao.New technique of distinguishing rock from coal based on statistical analysis of wavelet transform ,Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7343, 73430A (2009); DOI: 10.1117/12.814083 (EI)[6] 李旭,顾涛.基于神经网络的多类水印嵌入技术,计算机工程,2005,8.(EI)[7] LIXu,GUTao.Technique of information hiding based on neural network ,Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6576, 65761A (2007); DOI:10.1117/12.717674(EI)[8] LIXu,GUTao.Research on the technique of public watermarking system based on wavelet transform and neural network,Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6576, 65761B (2007); DOI:10.1117/12.717879 (EI)[9] Xu LI,ZenHe ZHU,Tao GU, YuNan SUN.Influence of signal and pump wavelengths on the characteristics of ultrashort-pulse OPG,Nonlinear Optical Phenomena and Applications proceedings of SPIE 2004,11 (EI)[10] Xu LI,ZenHe ZHU,Tao GU, YuNan SUN.Theoretical Calculation of Ultrashort-pulse Optical P-arametric Generation,Journal of beijing institute of technolog,2005,4.(EI)[11] 李旭,朱振和,顾涛,孙雨南.飞秒级超短脉冲光参量转换效率及脉冲特征计算, 激光与红外,2005,4.


4. 张文涛的科研项目

《网络教育环境下学习风格与语言学习策略的关系》,中南财经政法大学校级研究项目, 2004,主持人《对中国大学生学习英语能力、学习策略、学习风格三者关系的研究》,湖北省教育厅人文社科研究青年项目, 2005年,主持人《传统课题教学与网络教学结合模式可行性研究》,中南财经政法大学校级研究项目,2004年,参与《多媒体教学模式下外语教师角色探析》,湖北省教育厅人文社科研究青年项目, 2005年,参与《大学英语教学模式改革实证研究》,湖北省教学研究项目及校级教学研究项目,2005年,参与

5. 顾文涛的学术成果

出版英文专著一部,在Phonetica, IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, Speech Communication, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems等SCI/SSCI国际权威期刊以及重要国际会议上发表论文50余篇,其中20篇为国际学术榜收录。2012年担任国际言语通讯协会ISCA、国际语音协会IPA等机构联合主办的The Third International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages国际会议主席 ,2013年受邀主编Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph。


6. 顾文涛的代表论著

1. “用于最佳文本选择的改进贪婪算法,” 《上海交通大学学报》,第33卷第1期,96-100,1999.2. “An efficient speaker adaptation method for TTS duration model,” Proceedings of Eurospeech 1999, pp. 1839-1842, Budapest, Hungary, 1999.3. “Automatic extraction of tone command parameters for the model of F0 contour generation for Standard Chinese,”IEICE Trans. Information and SystemsE87-D (5): 1079-1085, 2004.4. “Analysis and synthesis of fundamental frequency contours of Standard Chinese using the command-response model,”Speech Communication47(1-2): 59-70, 2005.5. “Modeling the effects of emphasis and question on fundamental frequency contours of Cantonese utterances,”IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing14(4): 1155-1170, 2006.6. “Analysis of tones in Cantonese speech based on the command-response model,”Phonetica64(1): 29-62, 2007.7. “Physiological and physical bases of the command-response model for generating fundamental frequency contours in tone languages: Implications for the phonology of tones,” In: Maria-Josep Solé, Pam Beddor, and Manjari Ohala (eds.),Experimental Approaches to Phonology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 228-245, 2007.8. “汉语韵律结构——基于听感的韵律层级与基于F0曲线生成模型的语调构成之比较,” 《中国语音学报》第1辑,188-195,2008.9. “Prosodic variation in Cantonese-English code-mixed speech,”Proceedings of ISCSLP 2008, pp. 342-345, Kunming, China, 2008.10. “Effects of tone and emphatic focus on F0 contours of Cantonese speech – A comparison with Standard Chinese,” 《中国语音学报》第2辑,133-147,2009.11. “Prosodic analysis and perception of Mandarin utterances conveying attitudes,”Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2011, pp. 1069-1072, Florence, Italy, 2011.12. Experimental Analysis and Quantitative Modeling of Speech Prosody, 世界图书出版公司北京公司, 2013.
