
2024-05-25 00:44

1. 陈晓曦的论文成果

(1) 休谟情感主义伦理学的论证及其旨趣,硕士学位论文,2008;(2) 对休谟关于意志与直接情感理论的解读.复旦哲学评论. 2008(4),pp. 110-121;(3) 整体主义生机论:研究哈奇森道德哲学的一个视角. 伦理学研究.Vol. 38(3), 2011,pp. 112-117;(4)理性、情感与道德区分——兼论苏格兰启蒙运动中情感主义学派的论证及意义. 湖南社会科学. Vol. 147(5),2011,pp. 30-34;(5)试论康德“榜样”概念. 道德与文明. Vol. 177,2012(2),pp.156-160;(6)道德意识结构与情感秩序:哈奇森的道德哲学研究,博士学位论文,2012;(7)的主旨是反对佛教吗——与刘道生先生商榷. 黄海工学院学报. Vol. 10(18),2012(9),pp. 14-17;(8)居林脱俗、万物一体:谈谈中 “樵子” 的文化和审美形象. 滁州学院学报. 2012(6),pp.26-28;(9) 乖张礼法,自大蛮横:牛魔王的人物形象再讨论. 攀枝花学院学报,2013年第4期;(10)基督教化的斯多亚主义伦理与功利主义精神,道德与文明,2013


2. 陈曦的个人主要作品


3. 陈曦的文学观



4. 陈曦的学术成果

X. Chen, Y. C. Ho, H. Bai, Complete coverage and point coverage in randomly distributed sensor network, Automatica, 2009, 45:1549-1553.L. Xia, X. Chen and X. R. Cao, Policy iteration of customer-average performance in queueing systems, Automatica, 2009, 45:1639-1648.王星石,戚亦平,陈曦,宋臣, 基于无线传感器网络的智能建筑中目标分布问题研究,计算机应用,已录用.Xu Y K, Chen X, Optimization of dependently controlled jump rates of JLQG problem, Asian Journal of Control, 2009, 11(4):432-439Zhang K J,Xu Y K, Chen X, Cao X R. Policy iteration based feedback control. Automatica, 2008, 44:1055-1061.徐琰恺,陈曦,基于强化学习的JLQ模型的直接自适应最优控制.控制与决策, 2008, 23(12): 1359-1362.徐琰恺,陈曦,模态跳变概率可控的Markov跳变线性系统的优化, 控制与决策, 2008, 23(3): 246-250.张健松,陈曦,王永才,管晓宏. 传感器网络基站与节点通信方式的设计与实现. 计算机应用与软件, 2007, 24(8): 117-119.Xi Chen, Qianchuan Zhao, Xiaohong Guan, Energy-efficient sensing coverage and communication for wireless sensor networks, Jrl. Sys Sci & Complexity (2007)20: 225-234.X. Chen, H. Bai, L. Xia, and Y. C. Ho, Design of a Sensor Network for Target Detection, Automatica. 2007, 43:1713-1722.H. Bai, X. Chen, B. Li, and D. Han, A Location-free Algorithm of Energy-Efficient Connected Coverage for High Density Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications,(2007)17:1-21.H. Bai, X. Chen, Y.C. Ho, and X. Guan, Percentage Coverage Configuration in Wireless Sensor Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3758, 2005, pp. 780-791Li Xia, X. Chen and Xiaohong Guan. A New Gradient-Based Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,3605: pp.318-325, 2005.夏俐, 陈曦, 赵千川, 江永亨, 管晓宏. 无线传感器网络及应用简介. 自动化博览,2004, 21(1):34-37. (“博览杯”2004年优秀论文)X. Chen, X. Y. Zhou,  Stochastic LQ control with conic constraints on an infinite time horizon, SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization Vol. 43,No.3,pp1120-1150 ..M. Ait Rami, X. Chen, and X. Y. Zhou,  Discrete-time Indefinite LQ control with state and control dependent noises, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 23, Issue 3-4, August 2002. pp 245-265M. Ait Rami, X. Chen, J. B. Moore and X. Y. Zhou,  Solvability and asymptotic behavior of generalized Riccati equation arising in indefinite stochastic LQ controls , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 46, No. 3, March 2001. pp 428-440X. Chen, X. Y. Zhou, Deterministic near-optimal control with state constraints, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Vol. 4, Dec, 1998. pp 513-526Jianghai Li, Qing-Shan Jia, Xiaohong Guan, Xi Chen,Tracking Moving Object via a Sensor Network with Partial Information Broadcasting Scheme ,Accepted by 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China, October 16-18,2009.Xu Y K, Chen X, Learning algorithm for LQG model with constrained control. IFAC World congress, Seoul Korea, July 2008.Y. K. Xu and X. Chen, Discrete-time JLQG model with dependently controlled jump probabilities: an MDP-based approach, IEEE Multi-Conference on System and Control, Singapore, Oct. 2007.H. Bai, X. Chen, Y. C. Ho, and Xiaohong Guan, Information Coverage Configuration with Energy Preservation in Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT’2006), Seoul, Korea, September 20-22, 2006H. Bai, Xi Chen, X. Guan, Coverage Preserving in Wireless Sensor Networks with Different Sensing Radii, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control. pp. 54-59. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA,April,23-25,2006.X. Chen, Y. C. Ho, J. Zhang, H. Bai, Probabilistic Forwarding (ProFor) for large scale sensor networks, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control. pp. 963-968. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA,April,23-25,2006.Xu Y K,Chen X, Cao X R. Optimization for controlled jump rates of JLQG problem. Proceedings of 24th Chinese Control Conference, 2005: 378-383.

5. 陈曦的学术



6. 陈曦的研究领域


7. 陈曦的相关评价

评委陈思斯对陈曦说:“我们听你唱歌,不像是在单纯地听一首歌,而是好像在听一场音乐剧,虽然有一些小小的瑕疵,但没关系。 ”评委李玉刚也微笑着对她说:“第一段确实有点小瑕疵,但是瑕不掩瑜,没问题! ”陈曦以自己的实力获得了月冠军,同时也赢得了《星光大道》剧组全体工作人员和500多名观众的喜爱。她的奋斗经历和心路历程也深深地感动了每一个人。每次陈曦走下舞台,观众们便一涌而来,争相与她合影,甚至其他选手的助演也跑过来找她合影。一位观众拉着陈曦的手说:“你太棒了,我就喜欢你,整个晚上我都在喊你的名字,嗓子都喊哑了。加油! ”一位键盘乐手对陈曦说:“你很有实力,保护好嗓子,年赛好好比! ”毕福剑感慨:铁岭还有这么美好的撕纸艺术,毕福剑对陈曦的评价非常高,称她是一位“非常接地气的选手”。无论是周赛还是月赛的舞台上,毕福剑对陈曦的喜爱之情都溢于言表。每一次陈曦拿到冠军时,毕福剑都调侃地逗她,使她误以为自己没有夺冠,令她热泪盈眶,真情流露,连观众都不忍骗她,在台下大喊:“你没落选! ”毕福剑说:“我喜欢这个小女孩,所以才会逗她。 ”。


8. 陈曦的基本信息
