
2024-05-18 22:12

1. 翻译她在网上读报和看新闻

She read the newspaper and watch the news on the Internet


2. 帮忙用英语翻译一下世界杯的作文,找一点英文的重要新闻

  This World Cup is fun or boring?
  南非世界杯是争议较大的一届世界杯。( South Africa World Cup is more controversial World Cup.) 进球数只有区区145个,而且光是年轻的德国就贡献了将近1/9的的16个进球;冠军球队西班牙只进了8个球,是历史上进球数最少的冠军球队;再加上相当多的误判,实在是无趣得很。( Only a mere 145 goals, but just the young German on the contributed nearly 1 / 9 of the 16 goals; champions Spain only into the eight ball, is the least number of goals in the history of the championship team; coupled with a considerable number of false positives, it is very boring. )当巴西和葡萄牙小组赛0:0闷平时,就注定了这是进球不多的世界杯。( When Brazil and Portugal 0-0 group stage usually boring, it is destined to score more than that this is the World Cup.)
  但是,本届世界杯如果抛开以上的因素不看,也还是有些趣味的。 (However, the World Cup aside these factors, if not, it is also still some fun.) 本届世界杯最不缺的就是冷门:卫冕冠军意大利小组出局回家、法国内讧小组未出线、英格兰被德国4:1血洗、阿根廷0:4完败德国梅西遭零封、荷兰那个类似于乌龙球的进球送巴西回家……这些让人一看像是假新闻的新闻铺天盖地的席卷而来。( Missing the World Cup is the least popular: Defending champion Italy team out of home, the French civil strife group did not qualify, England was Germany 4:1 bloodbath, Lionel Messi of Argentina 0:4 total defeat of Germany was zero letters, the Netherlands own goal that is similar to the goals to send Brazil home ... ... these people looked like a fake news news swept from overwhelming.) 这届世界杯,冠军的热门人选大部分都早早出局,为冠军的归属蒙上了神秘的面纱。( This World Cup, the championship most popular candidate out early, as the title of ownership cast a veil of mystery.)
  这就是FIFA世界杯,让人纠结的世界杯。( This is the FIFA World Cup, people entangled in the World Cup. )

3. 英语翻译昨天的新闻

Yesterday's news就对啦


4. 好消息英语翻译

就是“good news”啊!

例句:No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息。


5. 最好用英语读报怎样翻译

You'd   better  read  newspapers  in  English.


6. 一则新闻报道 英语翻译

a piece of news report

7. 新闻英语翻译

law enforcement personnel,法律执行人员,执法人员。
law enforcement department 执法部门


8. 英语的“时事”怎么翻译

current affair(S)选自《牛津高中英语教科书模块7》