
2024-05-20 07:09

1. 关于牛奶的介绍(英文)

Milk is one of the oldest natural drinks. Milk the cow from female name suggests that out. In different countries, the milk also points have different level, at present the most common is whole, low-fat and skim milk. The present market condition milk additives also quite a lot, such as high calcium low-fat milk, they emphasize which added calcium. 牛奶,是最古老的天然饮料之一。牛奶顾名思义是从雌性奶牛身上所挤出来的。在不同国家,牛奶也分有不同的等级,目前最普遍的是全脂、低脂及脱脂牛奶。目前市面上牛奶的添加物也相当多,如高钙低脂牛奶,就强调其中增添了钙质。


2. 用英文介绍牛奶简单一点

用英文介绍牛奶:Milk is a kind of nutritious health food. It is completely nutritious without any side effects. Drinking too much will not be harmful to the body.Milk contains more than 3000 kinds of organic components. 
The protein in milk is of good quality, contains essential amino acids required by the human body, is also very rich in other nutrients, has a high content of calcium and is easy to absorb. Milk is the best of all drinks.


3. 关于毒品的英文文章

First, physical and psychological harm of drug abuse 

(1) drug abuse on the body of toxic effects: toxic effect refers to excessive or administering a drug with pharmaceutical length of the body caused by a harmful role, usually accompanied by a dysfunctional body and pathological changes. Poisoning main features are: lethargy, feeling numb, sports 
Dislocation, hallucinations, paranoia, disorientation, and so on.

(2) withdrawal: a long-term drug use has led to a serious and potentially fatal risk of physical and psychological harm, usually in a sudden termination of medication or reduce the dosage after. Many drug addicts in the absence of economic resources, purchase drugs, and drug abuse cases, died of serious bodily or withdrawal reactions caused by various complications, or because the pain is just unbearable and committed suicide. Withdrawal of drug addicts is also an important reason why the withdrawal difficult. 

(3) mental disorders and metamorphosis: the most prominent drug induced mental disorders is hallucinations and thought disorder. Their behavior characteristics of the drug to focus on, even as drug and the loss of human nature. 

(4) infectious diseases: intravenous drug abusers brought to the infectious complications, the most common infection with purulent shape and hepatitis B, AIDS and worrying problem. In addition, damage to the nervous system, immune system, the vulnerability of various diseases.

Second, the harm done to society of drug abuse. 

(1) harm to the family: the family once a drug addict, a family will not become a home. Drug addicts in self-destruction, but it also broke harm their families, so that families into financial bankruptcy, relatives discrete, and even destruction to the difficulty. 

(2) the social productive force in the destruction: the first drug to body disease, affecting production, followed by the social wealth caused a huge loss and waste, while drug activities also led to deterioration of the environment, reducing the human living space. 

(3) activities disturb public order drugs: drug activities intensified induced various illegal activities, and disturbed the social order, to bring great threat to social stability. 

No matter what drug use, the human organism will cause great damage.

Third, intravenous drug 

(1) intravenous opioid drugs against the most, the consequences could be serious and multifaceted: unclean injection lead to infection of various diseases, such as bacterial endocarditis, tetanus, septicemia, transverse myelitis, and highly infectious hepatitis B, hepatitis C and other serum hepatitis. Dirty injection transmission of HIV is an important way. 

(2) injection of opioid drugs on the immune function has a direct and comprehensive damage. Intravenous drug is most likely to trigger drug overdose deaths, a lot of statistics at home and abroad have fully proved this point. 

Fourth, muscle or subcutaneous injection drug 

The skin of the site possible abscesses, infections, pigmentation, scar sclerosis symptoms. 

5. Way through the respiratory drug addiction 

After warming refers to the drug enters the human body through the use of respiratory way. Long-term smoking on the respiratory system, malignant stimulation, light are susceptible to bronchitis and at worst lead to pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer. Damage. 
根据回答者: qiufeizhouzhou - 见习魔法师 二级 11-9 11:46 翻译出来的


4. 急!关于奶粉中毒英文作文。


5. 关于毒牛奶的材料作文700字





6. 介绍颜色含义的英文文章

What colour is's state of mind? Be green's be full of a lease of life , be red be burning intense 
emotion , be that yellow maturity is steady , be that the blue Kakato is deep, ... Such as external 
fall of window, being in luxuriant green stands firm tree, being burning emits the brilliant rays 
sun, under blue sky setting off , golden fruit is heavy hang to be over on the branch; Like small 
Qin Guan wording and purport of what one writes garden sight and sound of spring, "has peach 
blossom redly , Li is grey,cauliflower is yellow ". State of mind is unable very monotonous. Dim 
pale of misty rain , desert boundless stretch of golden yellow, dark indistinct vast night ink 
color, ... Can only make person state of mind damp or dry up, bored to death even pained extremely. 
Add a little colour for state of mind. Contradiction arrives at boundless slice of external 
orangutan gorge desert in writing "scenery talks " , pure but of the same colour, how flat , 
monotonous and dull. Only thinking that the first black spots have appeared , the camel train has 
walked on horizon to come, high step upright and unafraid camel colour, makes the monotonous desert 
change the appearance of completely , becomes solemn and charming plus that big one rectangle 
flags poinsettia controlled by group leader camel. Life really has been such. Shan hue life 
repeating can only make person be tired of , have changed the appearance of completely if being 
added colour , life by state of mind , have also have had one to belong to self "scenery". Somebody 
had done a experiment: Paint a little chest outward appearance different colour being carried by 
the worker. Result , worker the chest reflecting black is the heaviest. In fact, the chest weight 
is the same , different colour being a chest, the colour being a chest brings to different state of 
mind of person. The snow pureness spotlessly white, only be in all covered with ice and snow li oflong , also dull meeting "niphablepsia". At this time, red of a calyx canthus gorgeous, withered and yellow of several pieces of fallen leaves, even though all right the blue sky of how to some 
extent bald branch is black. Be able to look at the monotonous ceiling thinking of death only when 
Shi Tie Sheng is just paralysed,being florid flourishing the Altar to Earth chrysanthemum makes 
him come to realize life. In a piece of writing, he writes like this: "The simple and elegant , 
white yellow flower flower is noble and pure , the Burgundy flower splashes enthusiastic but deep, 
voluminous, Zhong Zheng opens autumn wind unaffectedly ". State of mind refraction brightness of 
being burning living. Long for the emerald green fresh and tender living with yearning for , using 
our if as spring grass; Love our life heartily and eulogize , use if bright red is bright as the 
sun; Close feeling friendly sentiment ought to be golden yellow's , is full of full gains for our 
soul; The studious unassuming people wise and farsighted is spotlessly white snow , the exemplary 
conduct and nobility of character people is the light yellow chrysanthemum , the people who has a 
fine sense of humour is the purple flower , gets along with them, meeting increase our intelligent 
colour and lustre. Warm-toned state of mind is comfortable happy, but appropriate increase a little 
cold hue , may use firm and persistent reason of person. The world is fine lie in much florid 
posture , let us increase colour for soul.


1 BLACK 本意为黑色 
black sheep 害群之马 
black list黑名单 
black dog沮丧 
black tea 红茶 
black coffee 不加糖和奶的浓咖啡 

2 BLUE 本意为蓝色 
blue Monday 不开心的星期一 
blue films 黄色电影 
blue blood 贵族血统 

3 WHITE 本意为白色 
white room 无菌室或绝尘室 
white lie 没有恶意的谎言 
white elephant 昂贵而无用之物 

4 yellow 本意为黄色 
yellow boy 金币 
yellow dog 卑鄙的人 
yellow book 指法国等政府或议会发表的报告书 
此外,green hand表示“没有经验的新手”, red-neck表示“乡下佬”等 

还有white Christmas,白色圣诞,跟我们的瑞雪兆丰年差不多意思吧,表示被保佑与被祝福,圣诞下雪会更加珍贵开心。 
white night失眠,很久以前有一出西片,讲到它的主题曲就家喻户晓,SAY YOU SAY ME。片名没多少人记得吧,这出戏就叫WHITE NIGHT翻译成“白夜逃亡”。现在看起来,翻译的人也不甚了解WHITE NIGHT的含义。 
a white smith 银匠 a white war不流血的战争 white-haired boy宠儿 white feather 懦夫,懦弱 
成语to have a yellow streak等于说「有些懦弱」。yellow flag 检疫旗. yellow pages 电话号码分类页. Yellow River 黄河. 6. yellow sea 黄海. wear yellow stockings嫉妒. yellow streak 懦弱、胆怯的个性. 

brown bread 黑面包 brown sugar红糖 
He was caught red-handed. 他当场被抓住了 
所以,RED-HANDED是 当场 的意思。 


1. red 
e.g.1. A red battle happened in this village. 在这个村庄发生了一场血战. 
2. He was caught red-handed. 他当场被抓住了. 
3. The factory was in the red last year. 那家工厂去年亏损了. 
4. red ball特别快车: There are several red balls between Wuhan and Beijing. 
5. red cap服务搬运工: 
A red cap can help you with your baggage in a hotel or in a railway station. 
6. red carpet 隆重的接待或欢迎: We will roll out the red carpet for the delegation, 
7. red eye 廉价的烈性威士忌: He had the habit of drinking the red eye every day. 
8. red hot 感情强烈的人: Tom is a red hot. 
9. red ink赤字,亏空: There is some red ink in his business. 
10. red meat牛羊肉:Many people prefer red meat to white meat. 
11. red-pencil修改,改正:The lawyer red-penciled the law suit. 
12. red tape 官僚习气:We must get rid of the red tape in the government offices. 
2. brown 
e.g. 1. I like brown sugar.我喜欢红糖. 
2. I did him brown! 我让他上当了! 
3. Aren’t you brown! 别晒黑了! 
4. don’t fire into the brown! 别向鸟群开枪! 
5. brown bread 黑面包 
6. brown paper 牛皮纸 
e.g. 1. Those are papers yellowed with age. 那些是年久发黄的报纸. 
2. You are yellow. 你是个胆小鬼. 
3.He is a yellow dog. 他是个卑鄙的人. 
4.yellow alert空袭的预备警报 

People will be frightened if there’s a yellow alert. 
5.yellow back通俗廉价小说:There were a lot of yellow backs in the 19th century. 
6.yellow-belly 胆小鬼,懦夫: Everybody knows that he is a yellow-belly, so nobody 
likes him. 
7. yellow press 黄色报刊: The yellow press cannot be published in our country. 
8. yellow streak胆怯:He has a yellow streak in him. 
13. green 
e.g. 1. When I heard that, I was green with anger. 闻听此事,我气得脸色发青. 
2. He is a green young man. 他是个初出茅庐的年青人. 
3. Don’t give the green light to him. 不要纵容他. 
4. I’m still green at the job. 对这项工作来说我仍然是个生手. 
9. We had a green party last night. 昨晚,我们举办了一个温暖快乐的聚会. 
10. Though she’s 18, she’s very green. 她已经18岁了,但还很幼稚. 
11. Mr. Li is in a green old age. 李先生仍是老当益壮. 
12. a green room演员休息室 
13. a green hand生手 
14. a green house 温室 
14. blue 
e.g. 1. He is blue in the face with cold. 他的脸冻得发紫. 
2. My teacher looks blue today. 今天,老师的脸色看起来很忧郁. 
3. She is proud of her blue blood. 她因出身贵族而骄傲. 
4. The sad news came, like a bolt from the blue. 这消息传来,犹如晴天霹雳. 
15. The thing made him feel blue. 那件事弄得他无精打采. 
6. white 
e.g. 1. The doctor told him to take the whites of three eggs a day. 
2. Lily sometimes tells a white lie. 莉莉有时说谎,但是毫无恶意. 
3. We must make our names white again. 我们一定要洗清耻辱. 
4. A motor car would be a white elephant to me. 对我来说,摩托车是无用而累赘的东西。 
5. I had a white night yesterday. 昨夜我失眠了. 
6.a white day吉日 
16. a white smith 银匠 
17. a white room (医院的)无菌室 
18. a white war 不流血的战争 
19. white-haired boy宠儿 
20. white feather 懦夫,懦弱 
21. black 
e.g. I want a black coffee. 我要一杯清咖啡. 
2. Things look black. 形势不妙. 
3. He was a black sheep. 他是个害群之马. 
4. He gave me a black look. 他恶狠狠地瞪了我一眼. 
5. They went into black for their friend. 他们为朋友深感痛惜. 
6.black tea红茶 
7.a black coat 职员 
8.a blacksmith铁匠 
9.black dog 沮丧,情绪低落 Cheer up! Don’t be under the black dog. 
10.blackguard 无赖,滥骂 He is a blackguard and always blackguards others. 
11.black letter day 倒霉的一天 
e.g. Yesterday was his black letter day. First he lost some money, then he broke his leg. 
12.blacklist列入黑名单 The thieves were blacklisted. 
13.black money没向政府报税的非法收入 
e.g. Ms Liu was prosecuted for getting a lot of black money. 
14.blackmail 敲诈 This old man was blackmailed by the blackguards. 
22. purple 
e.g. 1. He became purple with rage. 他气得脸色发青. 
2. This is a purple passage. 这是一个绚丽的章节.

7. 牛奶英语怎么写?

This morning, I drank a cup of milk and ate an egg. 意为:我今天早晨喝了一杯牛奶吃了一个鸡蛋。 
Mum was milking the cow when I came back from school.


8. 求一篇关于毒牛奶事件的读后感

广告时间真无聊,打个谜语大家瞧,25年半左右,快速直泻加加U 哈哈