
2024-05-23 17:55

1. 商务英语常用词汇

     Agreement and contract协议与合同 
     agency agreement 代理协议 
     agreement on general terms and conditions on business 一般经营交易条件的协议 
     agreement on loan facilities up to a given amount商定借款协议 
     agreement fixing price共同定价协议 
     agreement on import licensing procedure 进口许可证手续协议 
     agreement on reinsurance 分保协议 
     agreement to resell 转售协议 
     bilateral agreement 双边协议 
     bilateral trade agreement 双边贸易协议 
     mercial agreement 商业协定 
     pensation trade agreement 补偿贸易协议 
     distributorship agreement 销售协议 
     exclusive distributorship agreement 独家销售协议 
     guarantee agreement 担保协议 
     international trade agreement 国际贸易协议 
     joint venture agreement 合营协议 
     licensing agreement 许可证协议 ? 
     loan agreement 贷款协议 
     management agreement 经营管理协议 
     multilateral trade agreement 多边贸易协议 
     operating agreement 经营协议 
     partnership agreement 合伙契约 
     supply agreement 供货合同 
     trade agreement 贸易协议 
     written contract 书面协议 
     ad referendum contract 暂定合同 
     agency contract 代理合同 
     barter contract 易货合同 
     binding contract 有约束力合 ? 
     blank form contact 空白合同 
     mercial contract 商业合同 
     pensation trade contact 补偿贸易合同 
     cross licence contract 互换许可证合同 
     exclusive licence contract 独家许可证合同 
     Ex contract 由于合同 
     Export contract 出口合同 
     Firm sale contact 确定的销售合同 
     Formal contract 正式合同 
     Forward contract 期货合同 
     Illegal contract 非法合同 
     Import contract 进口合同 
     Indirect contract 间接合同 
     Installment contract 分期合同 
     International trade contract 国际贸易合同 


2. 商务英语词汇

         Barriers to entry 进入壁垒
         Barter 易货贸易
         Benefit principle(of taxation)(税收的)受益原则
         Bond 债券
         Break-even point(in macroeconomics)(宏观经济学中的)收支相抵点
         Bretton woods System 布雷顿森林体系
         见可调整钉住(adjustable peg)。
         Broad money 广义货币
         Budget 预算
         Budget,balanced 平衡预算
         Budget constraint预算约束
         见预算线(budget line)。
         Budget deficit 预算赤字
         Budget, government 政府预算
         Budget line 预算线
         在既定价格水平下,消费者用给定的收人可能购买的各种商品组合点的轨迹。有时称预算约束(budget constraint)。
         Budget surplus 预算盈余
         政府收人超过支出的部分;与预算赤字(budget deficit)相对应。
         Equilibrium,competitive 竞争均衡
         见竟争均衡(competitive equilibrium)。
         Equilibrium, general 一般均衡
         见一般均衡分析(general-equilibrium analysis)
         Equilibrium, macroeconomic 宏观经济均衡
         Equimarginal principle 等边际法则
         Exchange rate 汇率
         见外汇汇率(foreign exchange rate)
         Exchange-rate system 汇率制度
         Excise tax VS. sales tax 消费税和销售税
         Exclusion principle 排他原则
         Exogenous VS. induced variables 外生变量和引致变量
         Expectations 预期
         Expenditure multiplier 支出乘数
         Exports 出口
         External diseconomies 外部不经济
         External economies 外部经济
         External variables 外部变量
         同外生变量(exogenous variables)。
         Externalities 外部性
         Factors of production 生产要素
         Fallacy of composition 合成谬误
         Federal Reserve System 联邦储备系统
         美国的中央银行(central bank)。
         Final goods 最终产品
         旨在最终使用而非转卖或进一步加工的商品。(参见"中间产品",intermediate goods)
         Financial economics 金融经济学
         Financial intermediary 金融中介
         Firm(business firm)厂商
         Fiscal-monetary mix 财政-货币政策组合
         Fiscal policy 财政政策
         Fiscal cost 固定成本
         Fixed exchange rate 固定汇率
         见外汇汇率(foreign exchange rate)。
         Flexible exchange rates 弹性汇率制
         一种国际汇率制度。在该制度条件下,汇率主要由市场力量(即供给和需求)决定,政府不设定及维持某种特定的汇率。有时也称作"浮动汇率制"(floating exchange rates)。当政府对外汇市场不加干预时,该制度称为纯粹的浮动汇率制。
         Floating exchange rates 浮动汇率制
         见弹性汇率制(flexible exchange rates)。
         Flow VS. stock 流量与存量
         Foreign exchange 外汇
         Foreign exchange market 外汇市场
         Foreign exchange rate 外汇汇率
         一国通货与他国通货的交换比率或曰价格。例如,如果你可以用1美元购买19德国马克,那么马克的汇率就是19。如果一国通货钉住某一汇率水平,并准备随时捍卫这一汇率,则称该国实行的是固定汇率制(fixed exchange rate)。而由市场供求力量来决定的汇率称为弹性汇率制(flexible exchange rates)。
         Four firm concentration rate 四企业集中度
         见集中度(concentration ratio)。
         Fractional-reserve banking 部分准备金
         Free goods 免费品
         不属于经济品(economic goods)的物品。如空气或海水,它们大量存在于全世界,无需在需求者中间进行配给。因此,这些物品的市场价格为零。
         Free trade 自由贸易
         Frictional unemployment 磨擦性失业
         由个别市场变化所引起的暂时性失业。例如,无经验的工人需要花费时间比较和选择不同的工作机会;甚至有经验的工人往往也需花费少量时间进行工作转换。磨擦性失业有别于周期性失业(cyclical unemployment),后者是在工资和价格呈粘性的条件下,由于总需求水平的低下而造成的。
         Full employment 充分就业
         一个有多重含义的术语。历史上曾被用于描述不存在(或仅存在最少量)非自愿失业情况下的就业水平。今天,经济学家用最低可持续失业率[lowest sustainable rate of unemployment(LSUR)]概念来描述可以长期持续的最高的就业水平。
         Fiat money 法定货币
         没有内在价值(intrinsic value),但被政府法定为有效的货币,如当今的纸币。只有在公众相信它会被接受时,法定货币才会生效。
         Built-in stabilizers 内在稳定器
         见自动稳定器(automatic stabilizers)。
         Business cycles 商业周期
         C+I,C+I+G,or C+I+G+X schedule C+I,C+I+G,或C+I+G+X表
         Capital(capital goods, capital equipment)资本(资本商品,资本设备)
         Capital consumption allowance 资本消耗补偿
         Mixed economy 混合经济
         Model 模型
         Moderate inflation 温和的通货膨胀
         Momentary run 瞬期
         Monetarism 货币主义
         Monetary base 货币基础
         由公众持有的政府的净货币性负债。在美国,货币基础等于通货加上银行准备金。有时称高能货币(highpowered money)。
         Monetary economy 货币经济
         Monetary policy 货币政策
         Monetary rule 货币规则
         Monetary transmission mechanism 货币传导机制
         Monetary union 货币联盟
         Money 货币
         支付手段或交换媒介。关于货币的构成,请参见货币供应(money supply)。
         Money demand schedule 货币需求表
         体现的是货币持有需求和利率水平之间的对应关系。当利率上升时,债券和其他有价证券的吸引力增大,货币的需求量会降低。见货币需求(demand for money)。
         Money funds 货币资金
         Money market 货币市场
         Money supply 货币供应
         Money-supply effect 货币供给效应
         Money-supply multiplier 货币供给乘数
         Money, velocity of 货币周转率
         见货币周转率(velocity of money)。
         Monopolistic competition 垄断竞争
         Capital deepening 资本深化
         在经济增长理论中,指的是资本与劳动的比率的上升。与资本广化(capital widening)对应。

3. 常用的商务英语词汇有哪些

这只是一部分,供你参考,其他可以买些商务英语书籍看看、手机里也有商务英语学习软件。economist 经济学家
socialist economy 社会主义经济 
capitalist economy 资本主义经济 
collective economy 集体经济 
planned economy 计划经济 
controlled economy 管制经济 
rural economics 农村经济 
liberal economy 经济 
mixed economy 混合经济 
political economy 政治经济学 
protectionism 保护主义 
autarchy 闭关自守 
primary sector 初级成分 
private sector 私营成分,私营部门 
public sector 公共部门,公共成分 
economic channels 经济渠道 
economic balance 经济平衡 
economic fluctuation 经济波动 
economic depression 经济衰退 
economic stability 经济稳定 
economic policy 经济政策 
economic recovery 经济复原 
understanding 约定 
concentration 集中 
holding company 控股公司 
trust 托拉斯 
cartel 卡特尔 
rate of growth 增长 
economic trend 经济趋势 
economic situation 经济形势 
infrastructure 基本建设 
standard of living 生活标准,生活水平 
purchasing power, buying power 购买力 
scarcity 短缺 
stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气 
underdevelopment 不发达 
underdeveloped 不发达的 
developing 发展中的 
initial capital 创办资本 
frozen capital 冻结资金 
frozen assets 冻结资产 
fixed assets 固定资产 
real estate 不动产,房地产 
circulating capital, working capital 流动资本 
available capital 可用资产 
capital goods 资本货物 
reserve 准备金,储备金 
calling up of capital 催缴资本 
allocation of funds 资金分配 
contribution of funds 资金捐献 
working capital fund 周转基金 
revolving fund 循环基金,周转性基金 
contingency fund 意外开支,准备金 
reserve fund 准备金 
buffer fund 缓冲基金,平准基金 
sinking fund 偿债基金 
investment 投资,资产 
investor 投资人 
self-financing 自筹经费,经费自给 
bank 银行 
current account 经常帐户
current-account holder 支票帐户
cheque 支票
bearer cheque, cheque payable to bearer 无记名支票,来人支票 
crossed cheque 划线支票 
traveller's cheque 旅行支票 
chequebook 支票簿,支票本(美作:checkbook) 
endorsement 背书 
transfer 转让,转帐,过户 
money 货币 
issue 发行 
ready money 现钱 
cash 现金 
ready money business, no credit given 现金交易,概不赊欠 
change 零钱 
banknote, note 钞票,纸币(美作:bill) 
to pay (in) cash 付现金 
domestic currency, local currency] 本国货币 
convertibility 可兑换性 
convertible currencies 可兑换货币 
exchange rate 汇率,兑换率 
foreign exchange 外汇 
floating exchange rate 浮动汇率 
free exchange rates 汇兑市场 
foreign exchange certificate 外汇兑换券 
hard currency 硬通货 
speculation 投机 
saving 储装,存款 
depreciation 减价,贬值 
devaluation (货币)贬值 
revaluation 重估价 
runaway inflation 无法控制的通货膨胀 
deflation 通货紧缩 
capital flight 资本外逃 
securities business 证券市场 
stock exchange 贡市场 
stock exchange corporation 证券交易所 
stock exchange 证券交易所,贡交易所 
quotation 报价,牌价 
share 股份,贡 
shareholder, stockholder 贡持有人,股东 
dividend 股息,红利 
cash dividend 现金配股 
stock investment 贡投资 
investment trust 投资信托 
stock-jobber 贡经纪人 
stock company, stock brokerage firm 证券公司 
securities 有价证券 
share, common stock 普通股 
preference stock 优先股 
income gain 股利收入 
issue 发行贡 
par value 股面价格, 票面价格 
bull 买手, 多头 
bear 卖手, 空头 
assigned 过户 
opening price 开盘 
closing price 收盘 
hard times 低潮 
business recession 景气衰退 
doldrums 景气停滞 
dull 盘整 
ease 松弛 
raising limit 涨停板 
break 暴跌 
bond, debenture 债券 
Wall Street 华尔街 
short term loan 短期贷款 
long term loan 长期贷款


4. 商务英语词汇翻译

各让一半:Meeting Each Other Half-Way
降价: depreciate
保留价:reserve price
弥补差价:Make up the difference
五金:hardware  (软件:software)
部门经理:Detpartment Manager
做出让步:make concessions
亏本:lose money in business
销售一空:Sold out

5. 常用商务英语词汇「」

    1) economist经济学家
    2) socialisteconomy社会主义经济
    3) capitalisteconomy资本主义经济
    4) collectiveeconomy集体经济
    5) plannedeconomy计划经济
    6) controlledeconomy管制经济
    7) ruraleconomics农村经济
    8) liberaleconomy经济
    9) mixedeconomy混合经济
    10) politicaleconomy政治经济学
    11) protectionism保护主义
    12) autarchy闭关自守
    13) primarysector初级成分
    14) privatesector私营成分,私营部门
    15) publicsector公共部门,公共成分
    16) economicchannels经济渠道
    17) economicbalance经济平衡
    18) economicfluctuation经济波动
    19) economicdepression经济衰退
    20) economicstability经济稳定
    21) economicpolicy经济政策
    22) economicrecovery经济复原
    23) understanding约定
    24) concentration集中
    25) holdingcompany控股公司
    26) trust托拉斯
    27) cartel卡特尔
    28) rateofgrowth增长
    29) economictrend经济趋势
    30) economicsituation经济形势
    31) infrastructure基本建设
    32) standardofliving生活标准,生活水平
    33) purchasingpower,buyingpower购买力
    34) scarcity短缺
    35) stagnation停滞,萧条,不景气
    36) underdevelopment不发达
    37) underdeveloped不发达的
    38) developing发展中的.
    39) initialcapital创办资本
    40) frozencapital冻结资金
    41) frozenassets冻结资产
    42) fixedassets固定资产
    43) realestate不动产,房地产
    44) circulatingcapital,workingcapital流动资本
    45) availablecapital可用资产
    46) capitalgoods资本货物
    47) reserve准备金,储备金
    48) callingupofcapital催缴资本
    49) allocationoffunds资金分配
    50) contributionoffunds资金捐献
    51) workingcapitalfund周转基金
    52) revolvingfund循环基金,周转性基金
    53) contingencyfund意外开支,准备金
    54) reservefund准备金
    55) bufferfund缓冲基金,平准基金
    56) sinkingfund偿债基金
    57) investment投资,资产
    58) investor投资人
    59) self-financing自筹经费,经费自给
    60) bank银行
    61) currentaccount经常帐户
    62) (美作:checkingaccount)
    63) current-accountholder支票帐户
    64) (美作:checking-accountholder)
    65) cheque支票(美作:check)
    66) bearercheque,chequepayabletobearer无记名支票,来人支票crossedcheque划线支票
    67) traveller'scheque旅行支票
    68) chequebook支票簿,支票本(美作:checkbook)
    69) endorsement背书
    70) transfer转让,转帐,过户
    71) money货币
    72) issue发行
    73) readymoney现钱
    74) cash现金
    75) readymoneybusiness,nocreditgiven现金交易,概不赊欠change零钱
    76) banknote,note钞票,纸币(美作:bill)
    77) topay(in)cash付现金
    78) domesticcurrency,localcurrency]本国货币
    79) convertibility可兑换性
    80) convertiblecurrencies可兑换货币
    81) exchangerate汇率,兑换率
    82) foreignexchange外汇
    83) floatingexchangerate浮动汇率
    84) freeexchangerates汇兑市场
    85) foreignexchangecertificate外汇兑换券
    86) hardcurrency硬通货
    87) speculation投机
    88) saving储装,存款
    89) depreciation减价,贬值
    90) devaluation(货币)贬值
    91) revaluation重估价
    92) runawayinflation无法控制的通货膨胀
    93) deflation通货紧缩
    94) capitalflight资本外逃
    95) securitiesbusiness证券市场
    96) stockexchange贡市场
    97) stockexchangecorporation证券交易所
    98) stockexchange证券交易所,贡交易所
    99) quotation报价,牌价
    100) share股份,贡
    101) shareholder,stockholder贡持有人,股东
    102) dividend股息,红利
    103) cashdividend现金配股
    104) stockinvestment贡投资
    105) investmenttrust投资信托
    106) stock-jobber贡经纪人
    107) stockcompany,stockbrokeragefirm证券公司securities有价证券
    108) share,commonstock普通股
    109) preferencestock优先股
    110) incomegain股利收入


6. 一篇商务英语的专题介绍,用英语写,急!

The introduction of Business English

1. The major professional xue tong, followed by English itself, will only make foreign trade English as the tool. Many foreign trade staff English isn't very good, but foreign trade did it very successful.
2. Employment outlook for, this major is considerable, do well rise faster, earn much, if in the foreign trade industry, suggest to begin from documentary, starts slowly into business.
3. Not necessarily will come out later in this major industries, as long as there is strength are interested, do all the same.
Business English professional obtain employment prospect analysis: adapt to the modern business management export-oriented work position requirement, can be competent needed a lot written and oral English communication senior clerical work, and be capable of industry and commerce management knowledge. Can also be engaged in English teaching and training work.
International trade direction: international trade business personnel, business translation, business assistant.
Tourism direction: English guide and foreign-related hotel reception and management personnel, the enterprise senior clerk, export-oriented enterprise general manager.
Teachers direction: kindergartens, primary, secondary, vocational high school teacher.

Develops a target: this professional education with English as a foreign trade business activities compound talents, students during school, through the classroom teaching and practice teaching, and can be a good command of English in reading, writing, listening and speaking, translation, and master the language skills such as foreign trade activities of business knowledge, and to considerable proficiency in spoken English, business English for specialty in both tourism, secretarial English for direction, training can use English for business, tourism, foreign trade, secretarial work aspects senior applied talents.

Main course: comprehensive English, listening and speaking, business English, business English, translate tutorials, American, letter&telex today with documents, international trade and practice, e-commerce, customs operation, international marketing, guide the practice, tourism English, Japanese, computer, etc.

Obtain employment prospect: China's opening up and the building of the economic zone on the west needs a large number of both know English and understand the foreign talents. This major graduates mostly in foreign trade enterprise engaged in foreign trade business, the foreign-related large hotel, tourism departments, enterprises and institutions engaged in clerical and translation work, employment to 90%.

Should this professional education with strong English language competence and more comprehensive knowledge of the essence of business English, understand economic and trade, can use modern office equipment of practical English talent.

A backbone course: comprehensive English, business English, business English reading, business English listening, oral English, business English business writing, business English translation, marketing, international trade and practice, international finance, international business law, accounting principle, etc.

A foreign trade enterprise the localization, the domestic enterprises internationalization, need a large number of strong language communication, be familiar with business trade knowledge, the familiar with modern office equipment business English talent. 

The graduates have very broad employment outlook

Due to the economic globalization and China's entry into the WTO, sino-foreign joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned export-oriented economy such as enterprises is emerging, with school strong of foreign language communication, and grasp the general business knowledge, familiar with foreign trade operation, such as computers, modern office equipment of business English talent demand is particularly urgent, the graduates have very broad employment outlook, this program aims to train has a comprehensive business basic knowledge and practical use of English language skills in English, and understand the essence of the trade, can use a variety of modern office equipment "esp" talented person.

Main course: business English, intensive reading English, business English reading, business English listening, business English, business English writing, marketing, international trade practice, remittances and settlement, international business law, accounting principle, etc.

1, international trade practice direction

The professional direction of business English specialty training master necessary basic theoretical knowledge and professional knowledge, has the strong English application skills and business operation ability and engage in business and secretarial work of higher applied talents. This major consists of English language skills, business operation ability and computer application technology three skills module teaching plan of constructs the entire core, employment prospects.

Partial backbone course: a comprehensive English, business English listening, accounting principles, international trade practice, enterprise management, business English, listening and speaking, office automation, business English, business letters, import and export business with documents, international marketing, secretary general skills training and textual research, etc.

2, international business management and secretary direction

This professional direction master business English major necessary basic theoretical knowledge and professional knowledge, has the strong English application skills and business operation ability, can be engaged in business management and project planning higher applied talents. This specialty students after graduation master business knowledge and skills, good command of English and computer engaged in international business and work as a secretary.

Partial backbone course: the secretary study, secretarial work, the document writing, business simulation, international business negotiations, import and export business with documents, business English interpretation, business English, office automation, accounting principle, enterprise management, etc.

3, exhibition English direction

This professional direction training master exhibition and advertising design basic theory and knowledge, have exhibition planning and design art creation with computer skills in senior professionals. Graduates can engaged in international and domestic various exhibition organization and planning, exhibition translation, exhibition coordination and service, a foreign affairs office, etc.

Partial backbone course: comprehensive English, exhibition design and planning, exhibition organization and management, business English, integrated marketing communications, web design and production, exhibition policy and regulation, exhibition market marketing, conference and exhibition operation management, project management, exhibition, tourism, conference, exhibition of customer relationship management, exhibition economics, exhibition management information system, exhibition English, business letters, office automation etc.

Obtain employment prospect: international business company, foreign enterprises, foreign invested enterprises, private enterprises, financial institutions, multinational companies in China and overseas branch company in China, foreign bodies, government, administrative institutions engaged in international trade, import and export trade, business negotiation, translation, foreign secretary and management etc. Also suits various foreign trade company, department stores, hotels, enterprises

7. 懂商务英语的帮忙翻译一下 谢谢 很急

Dear Sir/Madam,
We have accepted your Order Form 237 for purchasing our flexible freight bags. What we are sending to you is our Sales Contract 222, including two copies. Please kindly countersign them and send one copy back to us for filing.
Please draw up the letter of credit based on the cargo above.Make sure that the provisions in the letter of credit should stick to those in Sales Contract 222, which otherwise would be modified later.We promise that the cargo would be sent out right after we received the letter of credit 
Thanks for your cooperation and we hope for your another order.


懂商务英语的帮忙翻译一下 谢谢 很急

8. 常用商务英语词汇解释

     常用商务 英语词汇解释例一:floating    It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating
    exchange rate system. Central banks were no longer required to support
    their own currencies.
    Floating policy is of great importance for export trade; it is, in
    fact, a convenient method of insuring goodsswheresa number of similar
    export transactions are intended, e.g.swheresthe insured has to supply
    an overseas importer under an exclusive sales agreement or maintains
    sales representatives or subsidiary companies abroad.
    floating在上述两个句中的意思完全不一样,floating exchange rate意为“浮动汇率”,即可自由浮动,完全受市场力量决定的汇率制度。而floating policy则指用以承保多批次货运的一种持续性长期保险凭证,常译为“统保单”。
     常用商务 英语词汇解释例二:confirm    We'd like to inform you that our counter sample will be sent to you
    by DHL by the end of this week and please confirm it ASAP so that we
    can start our mass production.
    Payment will be made by 100% confirmed, irrevocable Letter of
    Credit available by sight draft。
    confirmed一词在这两句话的意思也不一样。在第一个句子中,confirm的意思是“确认”。在第二个句子中,confirmed L/C应翻译为“保兑信用证”,即指一家银行所开的由另一家银行保证兑付的一种银行信用证。
     常用商务 英语词汇解释例三:negotiable    Part time barman required.Hours and salary negotiable.
    This Bill of Lading is issued in a negotiable form, so it shall
    constitute title to the goods and the holder, by endorsement of this B/L.
    在第一句话中,negotiable的意思是“可商议的”,在第二句话中的意思则是“可转让的”,“可转让提单”经过背书后即可将所有权转让给他人,值得注意的是,negotiating bank则是议付银行,即购买或贴现汇票的银行。
     常用商务 英语词汇解释例四:discount    You may get a 5% discount if yoursgroupsis on a regular basis.
    If a seller extends credit to a time draft, they have made a trade
    acceptance.The seller can request that the bank finance the transaction
    by buying the draft.The bank is said to discount the draft.
     常用商务 英语词汇解释例五:endorse    Our products have been endorsed by the National Quality Inspection
    Draft must be accompanied by full set original on board marine Bill
    off Lading made out to order,endorsed in blank,marked freight prepaid.