
2024-05-22 18:22

1. 有谁知道暴雪公司出品的游戏有那些?

总体是4个系列:魔兽争霸.星际争霸.暗黑破坏神.魔兽世界  BLZ的成功秘诀就是要么不做.要么就做第一.从历史上看。BLZ的设计从来没有重复过其他产品的元素.  魔兽争霸.主要是在第3部的资料片中.真正的火了起来. 拥有完整的史诗历史.主要是在第3部中加入了革命性元素:英雄单位  星际争霸: 和魔兽比起来.最小的资源运行了一个经典的游戏.是我唯一的评价.早在21世纪前就已经风靡全球的竞技游戏.  暗黑破坏神: 如果说魔兽争霸的出现让暴雪"火"了一次. 那么暗黑破坏神就是一部不得不说的作品  是这部作品.让我们认识到了暴雪.尽管暗黑1 没有获得预想中那么成功。但革命性的第二部确让我们感受到了BLZ真正的实力.在当时的情况下。这样的作品简直是奇迹. 它也奠定了,日后所有网游和单机游戏的基础元素.现在很多游戏都在使用这些基础元素.玩过的人都应该知道  至于WOW.老实说.它的崛起伴随着天堂2.当时天堂1已经成功的运营.并取得了良好的成绩.之所以后来WOW居上.主要是因为前3部作品为BLZ所打下的基础.再有就是WAR3的玩家. 很多人都玩过WAR3所以对WOW期待非常.


2. 谁能告诉我一些关于暴雪公司的资料?

  暴雪公司主页 http://www.blizzard.com/


  Silicon & Synapse公司成立,同时发展RPM游戏
  * 成立后Allen Adham为公司总裁、副总裁 Mike Morhaime和程序员Frank Pearce.
  * 开始开发摇滚和丢失的海盗两款游戏
  * RPM游戏取得成功,成为了美国第一个被移值到日本超级任天堂的游戏


  Silicon & Synapse开始开发不同的游戏系统平台
  * 开发平台有:Amiga Battlechess II、Amiga Castles、Windows Battlechess、Amiga Microleague Baseball、Macintosh Lexicross、 Macintosh Dvorak


  Silicon & Synapse发售摇滚和丢失的海盗两款游戏并且获得了奖项;公司也更名了
  * 成功移值丢失的海盗到任天堂的超级NES,PC版的丢失的海盗上市
  * 任天堂在欧洲上市欧洲版的超级NES
  * 再一次成功移值摇滚游戏到任天堂的超级NES
  * Silicon & Synapse开发上海II和龙眼两款游戏
  * 被Videogames杂志评为当年最佳软件开发商
  * 摇滚游戏当年被Die Hard游戏爱好者组织评为最佳游戏
  * Silicon & Synapse更名为Chaos工作室


  * Davidson & Associates收购了Chaos工作室,当时Chaos工作已有15名程序员、设计员、绘图员和一员音效师
  * Chaos工作室正式更名为Blizzard娱乐公司
  * Warcraft(Orcs & Humans)上市,这是Blizzard第一部只供PC玩耍的游戏,并且第一次在游戏包装盒贴上Blizzard标签


  Warcraft II上市
  * Blizzard发布开发Diablo消息
  * Warcraft II在市场一片暗淡情况下上市,在短短的4个月里向全球卖出了50万套

  Blizzard 获得奖项;Warcraft II加强版Dark Portal上市;Diablo上市
  * Warcraft II被PC Game杂志评为当年最佳多人联机游戏,同时被C|Net评为当年最佳在线游戏
  * Blizzard收购位于加利福尼亚洲红杉城的Condor公司,Condor公司即名为Blizzard North
  * Warcraft II加强版Beyond the Dark Portal上市
  * Warcraft II 风靡全球
  * Diablo上市


  Diablo和battle.net获得成功;宣布开发Diablo II
  * Diablo仍然是PC_only游戏,并且可在Blizzard最新的在线服务器battle.net在线玩耍
  * Diablo当年被电脑胜负世界提名,全球当年卖出75万套
  * Battle.net最强盛时有70万用户和1300万玩家在线


  Starcraft上市;Statcraft Brood War上市;Battle.net开始繁荣
  * Starcraft上市前准备了100万套
  * Allen Adham成为主席、Michael Morhaime成为总裁
  * Starcraft被Interactive文理学院评为当年电脑娱乐游戏和当年即时策略游戏
  * Starcraft在上市后的三个月里卖出100万套
  * Warcraft II自从1995年12月份上市以共卖了250万套
  * Ballte.net有400万个用户注册,在最活跃的90天里平均每天有130万用户登录
  * Starcraft Brood War管方正式加强版上市,全球当年卖出150万套,Starcraft并且在1998年成为全球最大售出游戏


  Starcraft轰动韩国;发布Warcraft III消息;Blizzard公司搬迁
  * Blizzard 第一在Ballte.net举办的比赛有2万美元现金和奖品,同时已经发展壮大成为拥有开发、技术支持共130名职员的公司
  * Battle.net超过450万注册用户
  * 韩国成为了Blizzard的Starcraft最大用户国家,仅在韩国就卖出了100万套



  Diablo II 上市
  * Blizzard公司拥有150名员工
  * 使用新最的Battle.net client-server方式,来支持N64上的Diablo II和Starcraft 64
  * Diablo 上市18天便卖出100万套,成为了卖得最快的游戏
  * Ballte.net 注册用户达750万人,最高同时在线人数12万人,每日平均人7万人
  * Diablo II全世界卖出250套;battle.net达到875注册用户;Blizzard公司已拥有180员工
  * Blizzard母公司Vivendi收购了Universal,因此Blizzard就成为了Vivendi Universal Interactive 的一部分。

3. 关于暴雪公司简介的英文资料 最好有中文对照

Company Profile
Blizzard Entertainment® is a premier publisher of entertainment software. Since establishing the Blizzard label in 1994, the company has quickly become one of the most popular and well-respected makers of computer games. 

With blockbuster hits including World of Warcraft® and the Warcraft®, Diablo®, and StarCraft® series, the company has enjoyed back-to-back number-one selling games, as well as consecutive Game of the Year awards. The company's free online game service, Battle.net®, is the largest in the world with millions of active users. 

The company's most recent release was World of Warcraft®, the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) based on the award-winning Warcraft series. It launched on November 23, 2004 in North America, Australia, and New Zealand, and promptly shattered all sales records for a PC title, as well as setting records for account creation and peak concurrency for an online game. It became the fastest PC title to sell over 240,000 units, with the biggest day one sell through in PC history. With a current subscriber base of more than 1.5 million players, World of Warcraft is now the biggest online game in North America. 

Within a few months of launching in North America, World of Warcraft also launched in Korea and Europe. On January 18, 2005, World of Warcraft released in Korea, and quickly became one of the top MMORPGs in the country. The game then launched in Europe on February 11, 2005, to even greater success than in North America. In its first day alone, World of Warcraft sold through over 280,000 copies. Today, Europe has over 900,000 active subscribers. Worldwide, World of Warcraft enjoys a total subscriber population of over 5 million players. 

On June 6, 2005, World of Warcraft launched in China and has since become one of the most popular online games in the country. World of Warcraft then launched a few months later in the region of Taiwan on November 8, 2005, and has been rapidly growing in popularity as well. 

Prior to World of Warcraft, Blizzard released Warcraft® III: The Frozen Throne™ in 2003. This highly anticipated expansion pack to Warcraft® III: Reign of Chaos™ was hailed as a "terrific, full-featured expansion for Warcraft III that makes an already outstanding game significantly more so."** 

Upon release, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos was "the fastest selling PC game ever"* and has won several accolades since the game shipped to retail outlets in July of 2002. The original Warcraft®: Orcs and Humans™ was touted as one of the best strategy games of 1994; and the game's epic sequel, Warcraft® II: Tides of Darkness™, has won many accolades including Game of the Year and Best Multiplayer Game. 

In 2001, Blizzard released Diablo® II: Lord of Destruction™, the expansion set for 2000's record-setting bestseller Diablo II. Selling over a million copies in its first month of release, Lord of Destruction has been called "the definitive add-on,"* and was one of the biggest sellers of 2001.The original Diablo®, which released January 1997, debuted at number one in the United States and was named Game of the Year. 

StarCraft®, which released in March 1998, was the company's third number-one selling game and was named the best-selling game of 1998 by PC Data. The game's expansion set, StarCraft®: Brood War™ was widely acclaimed and was named best expansion of 1998. 

Prior to the release of Warcraft, the company served as a third-party developer creating entertainment software for a variety of platforms including DOS, Macintosh, Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo. Some of the company's best-known titles include Rock 'n Roll Racing, The Lost Vikings, Blackthorne, and The Death and Return of Superman. 

The Blizzard research and development group is comprised of more than 250 designers, producers, programmers, artists, and sound engineers. Each member of the Blizzard staff is a true game enthusiast, which provides the company invaluable insight to creating products for the gaming industry. 

In March 1996, Blizzard acquired Blizzard North, a concentrated team of developers specializing in high-quality entertainment products for computer and home console systems. Located in San Mateo, Calif., Blizzard North strives to push gaming technology to the next level. 

Headquartered in Irvine, Calif., Blizzard Entertainment was founded in 1991 under the name Silicon & Synapse by Allen Adham, president Michael Morhaime and senior vice president Frank Pearce. 

Blizzard Entertainment is a division of Vivendi Universal Games, an operating unit of Vivendi Universal. Vivendi Universal is listed on the French stock exchange (#12777) and also the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol 'V.' 

* Based on EDI sell-through, internal company records, and reports from key distribution partners around the world.

关于暴雪公司简介的英文资料  最好有中文对照

4. 谁知道美国暴雪公司的Allen Adham的详细信息?大神们帮帮忙

2003年对于暴雪公司来说是一个多事之秋,许多内部人员的相继离去,而在2004年伊始,公司的创始人之一Allen Adham向Blizzard公司递交了自己的辞呈。  1991年,Allen Adham与Michael Morhaime、Synapse创建了暴雪公司的前身——Silicon & Synapse公司。也许大多数人对Allen Adham这个名字还比较陌生,实际上他几乎参与了Blizzard的所有项目: Rock''n Roll Racing, Lost Vikings, Warcraft,Starcarft和Diablo,只不过没Schaefers和Bill Roper那么经常在公共媒体上露脸罢了。  他在辞职之前担任的职务是暴雪公司的设计部门的副总裁。  Allen是在几天前决定辞职的,暴雪公司也确认收到并通过了Allen的辞呈。威旺迪(Vivendi)同时也宣布决定改变先前的决定不再出售他们的游戏部门,这多少和Allen的离开有些关系。据悉,Allen已经开始组建一家投资公司,同时他也指出辞职的决定是处于自愿的。  令大家稍感欣慰的是尽管辞去职务,Allen现在仍然担任Blizzard的顾问.

5. 关于暴雪公司的介绍和总共出了多少款游戏?拜托各位了 3Q

公司简介 公司名称:暴雪娱乐公司 创立时间:1994年正式成立 总裁:Mike Morhaime 开发游戏:魔兽争霸系列、暗黑破坏神系列、星际争霸系列(单机);魔兽世界(网游) 国内合作伙伴:奥美电子公司 官方网站:  http://blizzard.com 背景资料 ·暴雪娱乐公司大事记 ·游戏神话缔造者:暴雪 ·暴雪巨头精彩语录 ·暴雪影集 新闻动态 查看>> 重要荣誉 -游戏开发团队 ·1999年最佳多媒体公司 - SC 软件出版协会(SC Software Publishers Association) ·1993年最佳软件开发 - 视频游戏杂志(VideoGames Magazine) ·最佳动画指导:星际争霸 - 1997 世界动画嘉年华 -魔兽世界 ·最佳展示 (E3 2003) - The Wargamer ·最稳固的在线游戏标题 (E3 2003) - IGN PC ·最佳图象 (E3 2003) - IGN Vault -星际争霸:幽灵 ·最佳展示 (E3 2003) - The Wargamer ·最佳展示 (E3 2003) - Daily Game ·E3 最佳游戏 - GameSpy ·最佳 PS2 出展游戏 - IGN PS2 ·E3 Hit - IGN GameCube ·最佳跨平台游戏 - Techtv -魔兽争霸Ⅲ:寒冰王座 ·当月最佳游戏 - IGN PC ·编辑推荐游戏 (评分90分 满分100分) - Games Xtreme ·编辑推荐游戏 (评分9分 满分10分) - Strategy Gaming Online ·满分游戏 - GamePro -魔兽争霸Ⅲ ·全球各大游戏杂志、媒体一致评选为年度最佳游戏 -暗黑破坏神Ⅱ:毁灭之王 ·年度最佳角色扮演和冒险类游戏 - Wargamer ·年度最佳资料片 - Gamespy -暗黑破坏神Ⅱ ·年度最佳PC游戏 - 2000 ECTS 奖项 ·年度最佳角色扮演类游戏 - Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences ·年度最佳角色扮演类游戏 - PC Dome Magazine -星际争霸:母巢之战 ·年度最佳资料片 - Computer Gaming World ·Special Achievement Award: Best Expansion Pack -- Gamespot ·最佳任务 - PC Accelerator -星际争霸 ·有史以来最伟大的游戏 - GameSpot ·1998年最热销游戏 - PC Data ·全球各大游戏杂志、媒体一致评选为年度最佳游戏 -暗黑破坏神 ·年度最佳游戏、年度最佳RPG游戏、1998年最佳RPG游戏、1998年最佳多人联机游戏,等等 -魔兽争霸Ⅰ、魔兽争霸Ⅱ

关于暴雪公司的介绍和总共出了多少款游戏?拜托各位了 3Q

6. 谁知道美国暴雪公司的Allen Adham的详细信息?(年龄之类的)如题 谢谢了


7. 暴雪娱乐公司的早期历史

1991年,三名美国UCLA大学毕业生迈克·莫怀米(Mike Morhaime)、艾伦·阿德汗(Allen Adham)、弗兰克·皮尔斯(Frank Pearce)因为一个巧合的计算机密码JOE(陌生人)而相识相交,毕业后三人共同创建了Silicon&Synapse(硅与神经键)公司。
就在公司成立之初的91年,当时Silicon&Synapse用4万美元开发经费以及4个月时间为超任 [3]  (Super Famicom)开发出了一款名为《RPM赛车》(RPM Racing)的游戏。
在推出《RPM赛车》之后一年,Silicon&Synapse推出了发布于超任平台的第一款大制作;《失落的维京人》(The Lost Vikings)。
1994年登陆SFC平台的《超人:绝处逢生》(The Death And Return Of Superman)。是首款以暴雪名义发布的游戏。
在当时,游戏公司开发一个产品并不需要庞大的费用,但回报率却相当丰厚。所以,一套《Warcraft(魔兽争霸)》就为暴雪赚得了足够的再生产资本。1995年,暴雪趁热打铁,推出了《Warcraft Ⅱ(魔兽争霸Ⅱ)》,获得了更大的成功,销量超过百万。
1996年,暴雪的第二个系列精品《Diablo(暗黑破坏神)》上市,18天卖出100万套;第二年,《Diablo: Hellfire(暗黑破坏神:地狱火)》上市不久很快卖出250万套。



8. 暴雪公司 是哪个国家的?
